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Staking guide

Staking Guide

The official Mina documentation contains a very detailed guide to staking. You'll find many useful documentation on official mina website and blog.

If you only want to rely on a non custodial wallet to delegate your mina to a third party validator, then you just have tol follow the simple steps described here :

You may also want to run your own node / staking pool or more, then you can have a look at the following pages :

    In this blog article, you'll learn
    • How to create a key
    • How to look for the most appropriate staking pool that fits your needs using existing explorers
    • How many rewards and APY from your block producer / validator you can expect.
    • ...

As stated on the blog page above :

After re-delegating, there is a latency period of 2-4 weeks before your new stake delegation comes into effect. Block rewards payouts happen off-chain, which the Staking-as-a-Service provider should be sending back to you. Check with each provider/staking pool how this is done. Be sure to do your own due diligence before selecting a staking pool. Good things to look for include but are not limited to:

  • Node performance (click on each validator on this list to view their performance stats.)
  • Their responsiveness, activity, and reputation in the community
  • Their terms (% fee that they’re charging, how often they’re sending the rewards, etc.) and their track record of fulfilling these (can be checked by using a block explorer* (such as Mina Explorer, Minataur, Minascan)

If you have questions about staking pools, there is a #staking-pool channel on Mina’s Discord server.


I also built a delegator reward calculator / payout calculator / Block producer comparison tool available here :

It may help you to determine which validator you can expect the more returns from.

For a more in depth / technical point of view, you can refer to :

Naamah Validator information

You will find my validator on each of those explorers :

Feel Free to delegate to my block producer !

My Validator Address
Naamah BP